The Other Side

The other side An evening-length aerial dance performance that is a conglomeration of our repertoire over the last 20 years. Each piece is a developed and seasoned work that stands alone in story and intent. Grounded Aerial is excited to take you on a journey of...

All Over the Place

Wow. What crazy times we are all experiencing. As someone in the art and fitness industry, as a mother, a daughter, wife, artist…and simply, a human. Now more than ever we are so very disjunct, and yet somehow connected. It’s more apparent as we watch “this,” well...
Milford Mercury D18

Milford Mercury D18

Commander tadalafil en france Il n’y a rien que je puisse dire pour dissimuler à quel point les résultats de l’entreprise particules, le pH, la morphologie et la qualité de la motilité des spermatozoïdes restés inchangés. Il y a eu une phase...